Rebecca Adams Summer School
6 weeks to kickass your mindset, goals, life & business.
I am so excited for you! This is going to be fantastic!
The intention of my Summer School is for you to really SUPERCHARGE & KICK-ASS your Mindset, Goals, Life & Business beyond your wildest dreams in just 6 weeks (or faster - whatever you desire & can do)!
So, think about what you'd like to do over the summer.....
> Uplevel your Mindset
> Raise your Prices
> Supercharge your Brain & Finances
> Build Confidence & Self-esteem
> Set amazing Goals for your life / business
> Build / Increase your Email List
> Get out of Your Own Way & really step it up!
The list is endless....
How would you feel by achieving all of that over the summer?
What would it look like?
How would you hold yourself?
How much money would you like to earn?
In what ways would you be more confident?
The questions and list is endless......
Dream away!
I absolutely LOVE all of my work and what I offer and so this Summer School is not just about studying....
It's about you really diving deep and kicking ass. Identifying your dreams and goals, working through any blocks that are holding you back.
It's about setting boundaries, aligning with yourself and seeing what works and what doesn't, uplevelling and quantum shifting your perspective and really being bold and going for it!
And with an original retail price of $308...... YOU receive savings of $210 when you pay in full plus...... you receive Lifetime Access too! (a payment plan is also available).
I'm so excited for you...... Check out your bundle below >>>>
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
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Uplevel & stack up your MINDSET in a positive way so that you reduce stress, overwhelm & that negative voice inside your head. Have a better, more positive life.
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To help you immensely on creating your new reality and really stepping up your game! Let go of the "small-timer mindset" and release your inner potential right now!
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Your goals are important! You get excited & want to achieve them until the negative takes over. Let this challenge help you stay on the path of positive achievement with amazing & powerful techniques
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Break free of all the obstacles that have been holding you back and gain true clarity on everything that you want to achieve and step forward into your higher self.
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Balance your time within your life & business so you can design and create more in your day and run it more effectively.
All Courses
Be savvy for your business with many techniques to start and increase building your email list in less than 15 minutes.
Pay In Full (RRP $308 - savings of $210)
Summer School 2x Payment Plan