When you wake up each day, on a scale of 1 – 10, how do you feel?

Does the positive outweigh the negative? Where are you at? 

With any negative emotions and thoughts, can you get to the core of what exactly is making you feel sad, angry, nervous?

These icky feelings can literally take over your day and life, can’t they? Although, understandably “life happens” and some days may be more testing than others.



I would like to share with you how I felt when my Mum passed away. I was at the point when the funeral had been arranged and I was just waiting for ‘that’ day.

I was in limbo – having just lost my one person who had been there my ENTIRE life. Knowing that I had to carry on life without her. Having to sort out paperwork, etc – you are  “running on empty”, you don’t want to cook or talk to anyone.  You’re upset and sad ALL of the time. It’s overwhelming. It feels heavy.

Sometimes, you have to just put one foot in front of the other, take every 5 minutes as it is and let things play out.

It’s okay to feel all the feelings! 

But you know something has to change!

From time to time, your life feels like it’s on a rollercoaster. Life feels overwhelming, and you just need to smooth it out, calm it down and find solutions.

~ I see you showing up daily, with yourself, your children, your business, and your work.

~ I see you wiping your tears and trying to stay strong when you’re being tested repeatedly.

~ I see you spinning plates and juggling things, whilst trying to remain the best version of yourself.

It can be frustrating, upsetting and disempowering when you have tried everything out there – listened to podcasts, read the books, followed all the advice and you haven’t had the breakthrough you were hoping for. The release and letting go of everything that’s testing you, has not happened. All you want to do is to be able to deal with life – in the unique way only you can, you don’t want a one-size fits all cookie-cutter!

Are you looking for a way forward that will work for you and uplevel your mindset? Tailor-made for you and what you have been experiencing?

Staying stuck is no longer an option for you - It’s now that matters. You’re done – line drawn. You need to know that you can decide how you want to feel and how you respond, regardless of what’s gone on in the past and what’s happening in your life right now!

It’s you having the strength, courage, determination, focus and mindset to know that it’s your time to change. To release old patterns and to help you navigate through your life. 


~ How will you feel having the tools, techniques and modalities to help you in any given moment in your life?

~ How empowered will you feel knowing that, after working through this program, you were able to react and respond differently, reduce your stress and not overthink things, as you once did?

~ How will  you feel clearing the past and reframing everything with positive intentions?

~ Will you feel lighter, strong, empowered, at peace?

~ What will it look like to you? Can you see how different you will be, being armed with this wisdom?


This Mindset Program was designed and created for you - to help empower people, like yourself, to gain control of your mindset so that you can really have a positive, wonderful and vibrant life, both personally and professionally.

The outlook and results that people receive when they work on their mindset is truly outstanding, in all areas – feeling free, after finding the source (core of their pain and drama). Healing the past so that they respond and not react (from going from 0-60 in 2 seconds to a more controlled response), feeling more settled within themselves about things, having more confidence and being a voice for themselves, saying no to someone instead of feeling obligated to say yes all the time. 

Your mindset can affect everything within your life, and you may not realise it when you're stressed or feeling negative.

Once you Master your Mindset it will positively change your life, your relationships, your work and business, your reactions, your outlook and help to support your health and wellbeing too.

This program is for you, if you want to design your own days and feel and live empowered with a high-powered positive mindset for your life and business to create the ultimate freedom.

This program is designed and created for you so you can:

~ Master your mindset to a higher positive vibrational level 

~ Strive to improve on you and to be a better version of yourself daily to help within your life, business, relationships & much more 

~ Be more empowered, inspired and motivated in every aspect of your life

~ Be in control of your reactions and responses to people in your life and also situations that may arise.

~ Build your confidence and self-esteem in everything that you do

~ Look at things differently and be able to come from a place of gratitude

~ Play big and rise up to step into your power to achieve every goal and desire you wish to have

~ Believe that you are enough and you are worthy. You are important and an incredible human being 

~ Have an uplifting attitude towards your life, work, business, relationships, people and much more

*This program also includes over 5 hours worth of video content inside the sections*

In this program we cover:

  • Breaking Old Habits
  • Clearing the Past & Reframing Positive Intentions
  • Ditch the Negative Mindset & Take Control
  • Feel Good and Be More Confident 
  • Build yourself Up & Change Your Life
  • What you Love and your Happiness
  • Descriptions (what you think of yourself & what others think of you)
  • Influencers and Mentors (how they affect you)
  • Affirmations (very powerful statements to live by)
  • Visualisations (powerful exercise for you to do)
  • Your Vision Board (get your creative juices flowing)
  • YouTube videos for your mind and thoughts
  • Your Why, Legacy and Vision
  • Gratitude (practise daily)
  • Gain Control of your Mind (*A must-do*)
  • Powerful Mindset Exercise


  • Each Lesson includes *NEW* upgraded videos inside the text sections 
  • A personal message from me
  • Mindset Challenge Workbook
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group (A community for accountability, encouragement, support & guidance)
  • Free updates & lifetime access to this program

I desire you to be able to feel differently and live a highly positive mindset so that you can create the ultimate freedom for your life, business, work and relationships.

Go for it! Say yes! It’s a win-win when you go all in!

Rise Up! You’ve got this!

I will be your biggest cheerleader,


© MINDSET CHALLENGE 2015-2024. Rebecca Adams. All Rights Reserved.


International Life, Business & Mindset Mastery Mentor™ Rebecca Adams

Rebecca Adams empowers people to feel alive & live a phenomenal life by gaining control of their mindset & clearing their old beliefs. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs & clients break free from obstacles to experience phenomenal personal & financial freedom by giving them the tools & skillset to gain more clarity, focus & confidence to master their life in all aspects. Rebecca has been in business for 20+ years & is the International Life, Business & Mindset Mastery Mentor™ for people who want to create personal & financial freedom, with her transformational programs & courses, 1:1 coaching & mentoring, her guided journals, books & book publishing, her podcast, her business opportunities & also her live events. She is an award-winning entrepreneur, Businesswoman & Course Creator, #1 International Best-selling Author, & she masters in Mindset. She is an NLP Practitioner, Law Of Attraction Practitioner, Belief Clearing Practitioner, Moonologist, Book Publisher, Website Builder, & Motivator. She vows to keep learning daily to help her clients & audience transform their lives. She is also the Creative Director & Founder of the Empowerment Convention IGNITE Live Event which is an empowering & life-changing event with speakers, gala dinner & entertainment, held in the UK. Rebecca focuses on aligning every area of your life so that you can take control & have everything you desire by being your own original blueprint both online & offline. "Make money by being yourself & change the world whilst you're at it™ ". She is a Mum of 2, a Special Needs Mum, a UK Army Veteran & she lives in the UK. Rebecca is an Empath, & she loves all things to do with the moon, stars, energy, frequencies & astrology. She loves to travel, read, listen to music, take photographs, watch movies & make endless memories. Rebecca has been nominated for the following: - Boots Wellness Warrior of the Year Award 2019 - Business Woman of The Year Award 2019 - 2x awards in the Digital Women's Awards 2021 - 2x awards in the Women's Business Awards 2021 - Top Coach at Coach Foundation.com 2023 - Winner of the Global SuperMinds Awards 2024 - Winner of the Quality Business Awards (Best Life Coach) 2024 Go to her website direct here to transform your life > www.rebeccaadamsbiz.com

Course curriculum

    1. Hi and welcome. *Please watch this first*

    2. Welcome!

    3. Extra Support & Value

    4. Mindset Challenge Workbook

    1. INTRO - Breaking Old Habits | Clearing the Past & Reframing Positive Intention

    2. Breaking Old Habits (9m 27s video & exercises)

    3. Clearing the Past & Reframing Positive Intention (26m 30s video & exercises)


    2. Day 2 LIVESTREAM - FEEL GOOD & BE MORE CONFIDENT (1hr 1m 31s)


    1. Love and Happiness

    2. Task 1 - Love & Happiness

    3. Congrats! and Evaluate

    1. Descriptions

    2. Task 2 - Descriptions

    3. Congrats! and Evaluate

    1. Influence and Respect

    2. Task 3 - Influence and Respect

    3. Congrats! and Evaluate

About this course

  • $98.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content